Ni Made Sri Andani, a marketer and a mother of 2 children. Having passion in Gardening, Art and Jewellery. Her professional background is Veterinary Medicine.

68 responses »

  1. Dear Dani,

    Congratulations for a wonderful and very informative website. I look forward to reading new entries with anticipation.



    • Hi Mr Stavrakos,
      Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Wow! It was surprsising me and I do really appreciate it.
      I hope you do not get big trouble in reading, since most of them I wrote in Bahasa, consider that more readers who get informations from my blog are speaking in Bahasa.


  2. Terimakasih tulisannya bu Dini sy share di fb jg, kapan2 kalo ke Bali kami boleh singgah ya, eeh tinggal di Bali gitu bu? hehe..


  3. om swastiastu… 😀
    salam kenal, err, manggilnya bunda made boleh kan… 😳
    hehe, tulisan-tulisannya bagus dan enak dibaca… 🙂


  4. Salam kenal Bunda, terima kasih udah follow blog saya 🙂
    seneng deh bisa blogwalking di blog seniman kayak gini, foto-fotonya bagus bagus ^^
    Tinggal di kota mana Bunda?


  5. Thanks for signing up for Grow So Easy Organic! It is always so lovely to know that there are others in the world who are living lives of joy, peace and love. Namaste


    • Wah…maaf banget. Saya nyari nyariin no contactnya Pak Toron belum ketemu Mas. Lagipula saya dengar terakhir beliau sdh tidak aktif lagi melakukan kegiatan spearfishing dan lebih banyak fokus pada kegiaran sosial dan spiritual.


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